August 28, 2003

Molluscs a-slimin'

It just occurred to me today that 10 years ago this week, my life as a student officially came to an end. I wrote my final final exam in the last week of August, 1993. Sure, I've taken a few employer-sponsored courses since then, but that's not the same as being a Poor Starving Student™.

So, what have I been doing since then? Let me take stock:

1 beautiful, funny, smart, talented wife (met 1996, married 1998)
1 wonderful, smart, mischievous son (born 2000).
1 adorable cat (born 1995, adopted 1997).
2 cars - current vehicle acquired in 1994.
2 provinces.
4 cities.
8 moves.
12 jobs (note to self: no more startups!).
120 months.
520 weeks.
3652 days.
10000+ meals (no, I don't always eat 3 meals every day).
87600 hours.
5256000 minutes.
315360000 seconds.

Update: Darren has taken stock, too...

Posted by Squiddy at August 28, 2003 01:29 PM | TrackBack

nice... I'm a crusty crustacean... link to me!!! :) Everyone!! ahahah


dc:date="2003-08-27T13:08:41-07:00" />
TITLE: 10 Years on...
AUTHOR: Michael
DATE: 08/27/2003 01:08:00 AM
CATEGORY: Personal

Posted by: Oorgo at August 29, 2003 08:39 AM