October 08, 2003

General malaise...

I know I'm not the most prolific blogger. Most of the time, I seem to be able to find something to write about at least 3 days a week, but lately, not so much. I don't know what it is, but I just can't seem to write anything. My visits and page views are down, and I've dropped back to Lowly Insect in the Ecosystem.

Part of the problem, I think, is that unlike some of my favorite bloggers, I self-censor. Michele at A Small Victory and Laurence Simon over at Amish Tech Support have no problem in this regard - if it bugs them, they blog about it. If it amuses them, they write about it. If it makes them proud, they rave about it. I can't seem to get past the "I can't say that publicly" bit, sometimes.

My blog is a hodgepodge of stuff - ranging from frivolous memes like Friday Five and This-or-That entries to rants about a variety of things. No politics, though. That brings in readers, but I just can't seem to write about politics.

I was going to try to make this a kind of techie blog, but that never materialized - I've got two entries on scripting: How to skin using Javascript, a tutorial on adding skins to your blog without having to use php, and More is Less, a tutorial on using Javascript to hide and unhide portions of your blog. Two entries. Two entries does not a techie journal make.

Ah, well. I shall keep blogging, and you, my FiveFaithfulFollowers (you know who you are) will keep reading, and maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to "kick it up a notch" (oh, no! I hate that guy! how'd he get into my blog?!?) and make things interesting enough to attract a few more of FaithfulFollowers. And if not? *shrug* Life will go on.

Oh yes, I almost forgot: <beg>put me in your blogroll and Join the Ecosystem, and help me claw my way back up to Slimy Mollusc!</beg>

Posted by Squiddy at October 8, 2003 03:37 PM | TrackBack

I get a fair few hits at the moment, but most they are in search of Lord of the Rings, Jack Sparrow or Pirate blog templates, or naked pictures of Elijah Wood

and of course I have a lot of those

Posted by: Eliza at October 9, 2003 12:36 AM

/me waves the flag of the Faithful Squidblog followers.

I know what you mean though Squid, about self-editing. Many times I feel like ranting and raving and cursing etc. but I stop myself because I think "Who wants to continue to hear me bitch and complain".

Other times I can't help it and the venom spills forth.

Today for instance... f$#@... stupid phone stop ringing... gah ... I can't take it

Posted by: Oorgo at October 9, 2003 07:16 AM

Nude pictures. It's the only direction you have left to go.

Posted by: Darren at October 9, 2003 10:12 PM