December 11, 2011

Mortal - December 11, 2011

[note: this was written during a writing exercise: we had 20 minutes to write something inspired by the word "Mortal". This is the result, unedited, exactly as it appeared when time ran out]

Mortal - Squiddy Geiger - December 11, 2011

Elyssa sang softly to herself as she headed to her date. Billy Walters was expecting her at 7:30 at the library. It was going to be so much fun. She'd been looking forward to it since he'd asked her on Monday.

She checked herself in the car mirror. Dress ok? Check. Makeup perfect? Check. Hair presentable? Check. She smiled happily. She would be irresistible - he would be hers.

Such a conquest this would be. The others would be jealous. Billy was quarterback of the football team, class president, and had his pick of the girls at school, but he'd chosen her. The others had proclaimed him impossible to catch, but she'd get him. She'd add hm to her large collection.

As she arrived at the library, she saw the others already going in. They wanted a good view, to judge the catch. She had told them where, but not who.

She went up, and looked for Billy. The third floor was deserted except for the others, spread nonchalantly around the room, pretending to read, or to search for books.

Ah, there he was. She sauntered over slowly, savouring the look he gave her, unknowing of his fate. As he came towards her, he leaned down to kiss her, and as their lips met, she took him. He looked down at his still beating heart, ripped from his chest. The others cheered.

She took a jar from her purse, dropped the heart into it, and left. It would go on the shelf in her room. Another mortal, one amongst many.

Posted by Squiddy at December 11, 2011 08:30 PM | TrackBack