January 17, 2012

Coffee Cup Blues - January 17, 2012

[note: this was written during a writing exercise: we had 20 minutes to write something inspired by a picture of a blue coffee cup and saucer. This is the result, unedited, exactly as it appeared when time ran out]

Coffee Cup Blues - Squiddy Geiger - January 17, 2012

Jack took a sip, and made a face.

God, he'd forgotten how awful the coffee was in this shit hole. Oh well, shitty coffee on a shitty night. Appropriate. He took another sip.

She'd called just as he got off work. Unusual because she knew always had things to do after work. Even as he answered, he knew it was not a good call.

He toyed with the cup, swirling the terrible coffee around in the little blue cup with green highlights. It was pretty. A contrast to the day.

She'd been brief and to the point. It was over, there was someone else, and she'd already moved her stuff out. His guts spilled onto the sidewalk as she spoke.

By the fifth sip, it wasn't tasting quite so bad, but it was still shit.

She said she'd met him six months before, and they'd been lovers for four. They were in love.

He took another sip, then hurled the cup against the wall, shattering it. He got up, dropped forty bucks on the counter to cover the cost and the inconvenience, and left.

Shitty coffee for a shitty day.

Posted by Squiddy at January 17, 2012 08:30 PM | TrackBack