February 05, 2012

Case - February 05, 2012

[note: this was written during a writing exercise: we had 20 minutes to write something inspired by the word "case". This is the result, unedited, exactly as it appeared when time ran out. You can read all of them in the waves category]]

Case - Squiddy Geiger - February 05, 2012

Case is very important when you're
Writing in the English language
If you ignore the rules of case
It brings on feelings of umbrage
In the people who must read
Your unduly tainted miscarriage
of literary creation.

Unless, of course, you make a career
Of this lack of respect for the rules
e.e. cummings is perhaps the best known
Of the mavericks who twisted the rules
Creating a world quickly and easily
Recognized, but not emulated in general
His character a cockroach unable to reach
the shift key and the letter he desired

Case is very important when you're
Creating a work of literary genius
You still need to follow the rules
To make the reading that much easier
A work without proper use of case
Like a work without proper punctuation
Leaves the reader annoyed and vowing
Not to support the writer further

DoN't Do It Or I WiLl
PuNcH yOuR lIgHtS oUt!

Posted by Squiddy at February 5, 2012 08:50 PM | TrackBack