February 15, 2012

Strip - February 15, 2012

[note: this was written during a writing exercise: we had 20 minutes to write something inspired by the word "Strip". This is the result, unedited, exactly as it appeared when time ran out. You can read all of them in the waves category]]

Strip - Squiddy Geiger - February 15, 2012

Concentration, sweat beading on his brow,
The controls tight in his grip, his
Knuckles white with concentration

Where is the strip, it should be here
He shouts in frustration, searching, searching
Scanning the horizon, desperate to find it

Low on fuel, and out of other options
He must find this strip and land, to save his
Passengers and crew - it's what he's trained to do

At last his copilot shouts and points, the strip
Is off to the left, and he fights the controls to
Bring the lumbering old beast around.

The weather is bad, but not the worst
He's landed under much more dangerous
Conditions but always with extra fuel aboard

How did this happen? who cares, right now
His job is to get all on the ground again
Safely and securely, and preferably in one piece

Time enough for recriminations once
The investigation is complete. For now he
Sweats and fights the plane as they approach

The strip is little more than grass, flat but
Fully fuctional. The landing at best be bumpy
At worst? He tries not to think on that.

At last, almost down, he flares the plane, and
Fights to keep her steady, and then the wheels
touch, bounce once, then bounce and roll on steady

The passengers are completely still as the
Flight Crew bring her to a safe and final stop
On grass, then a sigh and relieved cheering.

Posted by Squiddy at February 15, 2012 08:57 PM | TrackBack