March 08, 2012

Treasured - March 08, 2012

[note: this was written during a writing exercise: we had 20 minutes to write something inspired by the word "treasured". This is the result, unedited, exactly as it appeared when time ran out. You can read all of them in the waves category]

Treasured- Squiddy Geiger - March 08, 2012

Jules treasured the time with his family, but sometimes, he just wished they'd leave him the hell alone. Times like this, when they found some new thing to quarrel about, and would tear at it tenaciously, nobody willing to be the first to back away. Tonight, however, was particularly exasperating. He had no idea what they were fighting about. Something to do with a video game, but it was beyond his comprehension. He'd tried to get into the gaming thing, but they left him feeling nothing; he'd much rather read a good book, and create the world in his own imagination, rather than play in someone else's depiction of it.

"You asshole! If I had a Portal Gun here right now, you'd be fallling to your death right now," Simon shouted.

"Yeah? Well if I had a BFG9000, you'd have been disintegrated years ago, so shut the hell up," Rebecca retorted.

Jules sighed and stepped between them - when bodily harm was threatened, even virtual bodily harm, it was time to call an end to the family drama. "Both of you, enough! Simon, go take out the garbage. Becky, you have homework, I believe. Get upstairs now. I don't want to see you until supper is ready."

"But Dad!" they said in unison, then glared at each other. They saw the look on Jules' face and thought better of it, each heading in the direction he'd indicated. He signed. Yes, he treasured his time with them, but it wasn't always easy. But even with the drama, it was worth it in the end. The conflict always ended. For a time.

Posted by Squiddy at March 8, 2012 08:45 PM | TrackBack