May 02, 2012

Flame - May 02, 2012

[note: this was written during a writing exercise: we had 20 minutes to write something inspired by the word "flame". This is the result, unedited, exactly as it appeared when time ran out. You can read all of them in the waves category]

Flame- Squiddy Geiger - May 02, 2012

"The difference is, I'm also lazy." There was silence as after his declaration. He looked around.

"That's not exactly a revelation, Ted," Alana laughed. "We've known you a long time. And lazy isn't the right word. Selectively lazy, perhaps? When you like something and are interested, you'll go until you collapse."

Ted laughed and winked, "you should know, dear." Alana smiled, and the other two at the table also laughed. They finished their coffees and said goodnight, one couple taking their car, the other walking home.

Alana tested Ted as they walked. "You know what Saturday is, don't you?"

"Of course I do, it's the day after tomorrow," he replied, then laughed as she frowned at him. "And it's the fifteenth anniversary of our first date. Do you really think I'd forget that? Not a chance. Fifteen years, and I let six of them get away from me. How stupid was I?"

"Do you want me to answer that?" she asked him, laughing. She snuggled close as they walked.

"Well," he allowed, "I did let you get away for awhile, but I came to my senses and tracked you down." He shook his head. "and for nine years, you have been the single most important being in my universe." He made a face. "Uhhh, too sappy? Let me try again."

"No!" she commanded, laughing. "I like it when you get sappy. When Sally announced that my old flame was in town, and looking for me, I never thought we'd end up together. I was still mad at you."

"But I grew on you!"

"Yes," she laughed. "Doc McWilliams says he has something for that, though. So behave, or..."

"Yes, dear," he said as he kissed her. "I'm your old flame, your new flame, your forever flame." He smiled. "And don't you forget it..."

Posted by Squiddy at May 2, 2012 08:50 PM | TrackBack