June 25, 2012

Delight - June 25, 2012

[note: this was written during a writing exercise: we had 20 minutes to write something inspired by the word "delight". This is the result, unedited, exactly as it appeared when time ran out. You can read all of them in the waves category]]

Delight - Squiddy Geiger - June 25, 2012

Watching as she arrives,
The smile upon her lips,
The sparkle in her eyes,
The curve of her hips,

I listen to her laughter,
Brought forth by a silly jest
Her radiance fills the room
And brings out my very best

This vision and delight
Someday she will be mine
My heart is filled with joy
For she has come online

June 11, 2012

Video - June 11, 2012

[note: this was written during a writing exercise: we had 20 minutes to write something inspired by the word "video". This is the result, unedited, exactly as it appeared when time ran out. You can read all of them in the waves category]]

Video - Squiddy Geiger - June 11, 2012

Zalman looked at his watch, and nodded with satisfaction. Almost time for the Arrival. He smiled, and checked his equipment again, even though he was quite certain it was all ready. The one time he didn't check again would be the one time he hadn't set things up correctly, and he wasn't taking chances with this story. It was too big to miss a payday of this magnitude.

He caught his breath as a car approached. Early by five minutes? No, most likely it was someone else - Peters prided himself on punctuality, which probably drove his security crazy. How do you protect a politician who never varied from his schedule or his plans. Of course, his security didn't know anyone knew about this little trip.

Something tickled at his brain, and he started recording video anyway. Just in time, it turned out, as the politician's car - not his official ride, but a friend's vehicle borrowed on these occasions - came into view. Zalman tracked the sports car as it approached, his hiding spot perfectly chosen. The car stopped and the man he was tracking stayed in the car while his bodyguard checked checked that nobody was lurking in ambush.

Zalman, cozy in his hiding spot, could clearly see Peters' face in the car, captured by the camera. When the security drone opened the door for him, the seasoned politician got out quickly, and went to the door. The camera zoomed in on the door, and the lurker was rewarded with a clear view of the woman who opened the door to let him in, and gasped in surprise.

He almost shouted for joy, but long years of discipline on the stake out kept him quiet, despite his excitement. Jackpot! One of the highest placed political leaders, and a very married, very popular movie star? He gloated. It was every paparazzi's dream and it was his, exclusively. He could retire on what they'd pay for this video.

He waited patiently. He needed the exit video as well. It would come, and it would add to his fortune.

June 10, 2012

Wish - June 10, 2012

[note: this was written during a writing exercise: we had 20 minutes to write something inspired by the word "wish". This is the result, unedited, exactly as it appeared when time ran out. You can read all of them in the waves category]]

Wish - Squiddy Geiger - June 10, 2012

The sky was clear except for a few small clouds in the distance. Arnie laughed, a happy sound against the desolate surroundings. It surprised Mary. How could he be so upbeat under these circumstances?

"What on earth are you laughing about," she asked. Her scowl just made him laugh more. This made her scowl more. "Stop that! It's not funny."

"Sure it is," he countered. "We're in the middle of the badlands, running out of food and water, and have no idea where to get help, but it's not as bad as you think. Want to know why?"

"Why," she asked.

"Because there's something I know that you don't, of course." He tapped the pack in front of him on the ground with his foot. "I have a secret. Should have told you before, but it's not something to be taken lightly." His voice turned serious as he added. "There are consequences to misuse."

"What the hell are you talking about, Arnold William Hall?" she asked, a curious tinge in her voice.

"I'm talking about a Wish, of course," he replied. He saw the blank look on her face. "A Wish. It's something I got from my grandfather. He said it was ancient, and should be guarded carefully. He said it could save my life one day, and should not be abused. Only use it when things are clearly desperate."

"You mean like right now," Mary said.

"No," he shook his head, "this isn't desperate yet. We still have a bit of food, and we have water. If we run out of food and we can use it, but not before. We don't know where we are but we could find a road anytime."

"And if we use it before?" she asked.

He laughed. "Grandfather didn't say. He only said it didn't like to be trifled with, and if you did, you'd pay dearly. You'd live, but you'd lose something of value in return. He was very clear, there's no penalty if you truly have no other options."

"I say we try it now, Arnold. Seriously, if you really have something in there that can help us," she said as she reached for his pack, "then you should use it. Now."

Arnie stalled. "I shouldn't have mentioned it until it was truly desperate here. No, we will not do this yet. Period." He laughed. "Fortunately, you don't know what, in my pack, constitutes the Wish. However, a week from now, if we still aren't safe, then I promise, I'll risk the wrath of the Old Gods, as Grandpa called them, to save us. Ok?"

Mary knew better than to challenge that tone. She aquiesced. For now.