Thanks to my wife for pointing out this article a few days ago (ok, so it took me awhile to blog this): A new species of giant squid has been discovered in Australia recently.
The 250 kilogram (550 pound) specimen was found dead on a beach in Hobart, Tasmania. Scientists transported the animal in a trailer to the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, where they examined it further.
Experts found several characteristics which they say they have never encountered before - including long, thin flaps of muscle attached to each of the squid's eight arms.
I happen to think squid are cool. Your Mileage May Vary (or, in metric: Your Kilometrage May Vary).
Oh yeah. This here be Entry Number 100! Wow! I've managed to ramble and rant my way through One Hundred Entries! Yeeeeeha!
Thank you. Thank you very much.
No, stop it. You're too kind. Thank you.
Posted by Squiddy at September 3, 2003 01:38 PM | TrackBack