September 02, 2003

Some people...

This-or-That is gone forever:

This-or-That is gone least from my servers!

Thanks to all who played, and were appreciative of my work.

The reason it is gone for good is that I was pushed too far by people who took the meme TOO DAMNED SERIOUSLY. I have always considered this to be a hobby, and when it stopped being fun, I would stop doing it. That day has come. It's not fun when people get up my ass about not liking the questions, or when am I gonna put the site back up? Yes, the brunt of it all has fallen upon ME. And I am SICK of it. Literally.

It's sad. It was fun, and I know lots of people enjoyed it, but really, was it necessary to hound the creator, because you didn't like the questions she posted? or because the site was on hiatus, because she needed a break? Good lord! Do what I did! Make up your own damned questions! Skip a week! Read a book! Jump in a lake! Anything. But no, you had to ruin a good, fun thing.


Posted by Squiddy at September 2, 2003 11:00 AM | TrackBack

That's totally believable. People are petty, stupid, and unappreciative.

That's just like people who complain about free gifts they receive, or donations given freely, or charity work.

These are also people who obsess about things like floweradvertisements along the Whitemud, and kids wearing the proper hairdos.

Posted by: Oorgo at September 2, 2003 02:06 PM